Monday, November 8, 2010

A Big, Fat Helping of Thank You

Friday's debut party was an overwhelming success. I can't believe the number of people that turned out. I sold a good amount of comics and everyone seemed to have a great time.

I have to thank a few people for making it a possibility:

- The Straight Ups, Kansas City's awesomest, rockingest, face-melting-est rock band. If you missed their fantastic show Friday night, be sure to check them out this coming Friday at the Brick!

- The Dead Girl Derby, the area's hottest new league of fast-moving, hard-hitting dames. Get more info on their Facebook page; and if you're interested in helping out, either on skates or off, drop a comment or send a message. They're having a recruit night November 16th!

- Jeff Mullikin, owner of one3studios, the amazing venue that hosted the party. Jeff is a terrific, friendly, easy-going guy who also happens to be an excellent photographer. You can check out his work on his website.

- Takes the Cake Bakery, provider of the delicious cupcakes mentioned in the "cupcakes & braaains" of the party's title. If you didn't arrive early enough to grab one -- and they went fast -- keep your eyes and ears peeled for her next appearance. You can find her online at

- DJ Kreations, otherwise known as Kenneth "KC" Hamm, who spun some fantastic tunes all night long. Punctual, professional, and pretty damn sexy, I would recommend Mr. Kreations to all my friends. He doesn't just do kick-ass comic book debut parties; get in touch with him for your next Wedding, too!

- Everyone else: So many other people came through for me that night. Too many to even list. But they know who they are, and hopefully they know how much their help was appreciated. It truly couldn't have happened how it did without everyone's assistance. I only wish I could've experienced it all from in front of the merchandise table instead of behind it!

Speaking of merchandise, if any of you have breezed through your copy of Yellow #1, "Auld Lang Zombie," and are looking forward to the next installment... stay tuned. I've been asked a lot since Friday night about when the next issue drops, and I'm going to make a post about that shortly. I promise. I'd like to first get in touch with my artists and let them know how much everyone liked their work...and then drop the bombshell that they need to start getting ramped up for #2.

Follow me on Twitter or friend me on Facebook if you want to make sure you get the latest.

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