Saturday, April 3, 2010

Will Eisner, Thanks for the inspiration.

Just got done reading the Contract With God trilogy. Eisner is better than I expected. Much better. His stories seem to be very much grounded in reality, but he really does capture emotion and character excellently. I was under the impression for some reason that his comics were very quaint and G-rated. Not so! I don't know why I thought that, exactly, but it probably has something to do with the time period in which they were made. I guess the 40's and 50's just seems like a much more innocent time, and I think of comics like Peanuts and Archie and stuff.

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised. Moreover, I decided I need to model my drawing style after Eisner's. I know that saying I want to draw like Eisner is like when I said I want to write like Alan Moore. It's obvious, really. But it gives me some direction. I realized after looking at Eisner's stuff that I had been trying to draw my black and white comic as if it were in color, rather than playing to the strengths of the black/white contrast. I don't even need gray tones, frankly. Just pen and paper.

Anyway, it's given me new hope that I can continue to draw this myself. However, it's also a bit depressing because I might have to start my new issue over completely. But I haven't gotten very far anyway. Just finished my first page the other day, and technically it's not even finished. I think I just feel like after so long I should have more to show for myself than...nothing.

Eh. In the long run it won't be a big deal, and it will be worth it if it means I can create a more consistent and respectable style.

So, next step: Ditch the digital and start over!

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