Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Comicon Is Nigh

So, I finally looked up the date for Planet Comicon in Overland Park this year...and it turns out it's next weekend. Not this weekend, mind you, but still soon.

Spoiler Alert! I won't have a table there!

Here's a breakdown of the reasons:

1) 50%, I dropped the ball. I could've checked a long time ago and verified exactly when it was, and then been prepared.

2) 50%, I wasn't prepared. I've made hardly any headway in Issue 5 of "Yellow" in the past six months (which incidentally is very depressing). Even if I had a table at the Con this year, I wouldn't have anything new to show off or sell. I suppose I could be working on #5 while I'm there, which might actually be more productive than my usual 1 or 2 hours a month.

Either way, I'm still planning to attend and have a good time. I'll probably be wearing a "Yellow" shirt again, as last year, and hawking copies of the comic to anyone who will listen. (I may even just give them away free this time...)

So come on down, see if you can find me, and support your local comic shop. Buy some junk you don't need why not.

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