Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Nothing to report.

Sorry to disappoint you, loyal readers, but I have nothing new to report at the moment. But since it's been exactly one months since my last post I figure it'd be a good idea to at least let you know I'm still alive. And so is Yellow.

What with the Holidays n' stuff, I haven't had much time to devote to it. Unfortunately that means my publishing schedule has been thrown off quite a bit. Issue #5, "Feels Like the First Time," is probably looking at a January release, if not February. My hope was to have my second trade (or Episode, as I choose to call them) printed and available at Planet Comicon in March. However, that would require me to not only get #5 pumped out by January, but to immediately turn around and within a matter of weeks have #6 ("Butterflies & Hurricanes") written, drawn, inked, scanned, lettered, shaded, printed, and shipped back to me.

Miracles have happened, but not in the comic book world.

Funny story: Back when I first started drawing Issue #1, I had grand delusions that I could push out one episode every month. I was so excited that I went through the calendar in my phone and set alarms to remind me when to start writing, drawing, and publish each issue. Great idea at the time; but now that my pace is much slower it's more like a constant, mocking reminder of my failure. It's a blow to your morale when you're struggling to draw Issue #5 and you get an alert on your phone saying, "Publish #10," and another a few days later that says, "Start writing #11." And apparently I was very thorough in my alarm-setting, because the reminders stop.

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